Dyplom za udział w CQ MM Contest 2019. Wyniki http://cwjf.com.br/apuracao/index.php?year=2019#by-country
Antarctica 200
CWOps Europe LP Winner
MOROZ Contest
Dyplom za udział w zawodach MOROZ Contest 2020.
10 rocznica powstania CWOps
Dziś otrzymałem długo oczekiwany dyplom z okazji 10 rocznicy powstania klubu CWOps. 73 Adam SQ9S #2309 SN10CWO Team!
UK EI Contest 2020
Arktyczne Dyplomy
Dyplomy można pobrać na https://arctica.hamlog.ru/diploms
50 lat Market Reef
Hello Friends of Market Reef,
For many of us, OJØ has provided a firsthand opportunity to experience the DXotica – the holy feeling on being at the stage with all we know and all we have. Always ready to act in front of the thundering and demanding pileup! Thank You for being at our OJØ dx-audience in 2019 and to experience the DX spirit at its best.
With kind regards,
Martti, OH2BH
The great ice sheets covering northern Europe were receding. Freed from the colossal weight of the ice, Market Reef began to rise from the ocean floor and mark the junction of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia. Ten thousand years later four men landed on this polylith and with their voices and their keys gave the island a soul. These six sought it hardest were OHØNI, OH2BH, OH2BW, OH2KK, OH2NB and OH2BDP, the pilot, back in 1969 – 50 years ago.